Create new custom rates to ensure the cost for each talent and project is tracked correctly. Worksuite allows users to create new rates (edit the name of an existing rate or add a rate type), choose a default one, and then use these rates when creating Tasks.
Creating custom rates
This setting can be done by navigating to Settings -> Custom Rates.
Rate types
By default, three rates are turned on: Hourly rate / Hours, Daily rate / Days, and Weekly rate / Weeks. We can select one as the default rate by clicking on "Edit Rate Types."
Rate Availability
The availability of the rates can be changed based on the talent type.
- Available = Internal team members can see/edit this rate
- Visible = Talent can see this rate
- Editable = Talent can edit this rate i.e., they can edit their profile to mention they charge X amount for their "Hourly Rate".
Custom Rates in Tasks
Custom rates in Tasks are pulled directly from the rate value in the talent's profile. The rate value selected for the talent will be pulled directly into the task when they are selected. Note that this won't work if the talent doesn't have the rate filled in.
Have questions about custom rates?
Click the Support button in the bottom left to contact our amazing Support team or reach out to [email protected]